The forest_plot()
function creates a forest plot using
the ggplot2 graphics
package. The function returns both a plot and the ggplot2 code used to
create the plot. In RStudio, the code used to create the plot will be
shown in the Viewer pane (see [Plot code example] for an example).
Supply a data frame of estimates (by default, assumed to be log
hazard ratios) and standard errors to the forest_plot()
my_results <- data.frame(
subgroup = c("men", "women", "35_49", "50_64", "65_79"),
est = c( 0.45, 0.58, 0.09, 0.35, 0.6),
se = c( 0.07, 0.06, 0.06, 0.05, 0.08)
and col.stderr
to set the columns
that contain estimates and standard errors. By default, the function
will look for columns with names estimate/est/beta/loghr and
stderr/std.err/se. If you want to supply confidence interval limits, set
and col.uci
If your estimates are not on the log scale, then set
Set col.key
to identify the rows of the forest plot.
To add row labels, create a data frame with your row labels and one
column that matches the col.key
my_row_labels <- data.frame(
subgroup = c("men", "women", "35_49", "50_64", "65_79"),
label = c("Men", "Women", "35 - 49", "50 - 64", "65 - 79")
col.key = "subgroup",
row.labels = my_row_labels)
To quickly add subheadings, include labels with a missing col.key:
row_labels <- data.frame(
subgroup = c(NA, "men", "women",
NA, "35_49", "50_64", "65_79"),
label = c("Sex", "Men", "Women",
"Age (years)", "35 - 49", "50 - 64", "65 - 79")
col.key = "subgroup",
row.labels = row_labels)
To automatically create groupings and add subheadings, use multiple
columns in the row.labels
data frame.
row_labels <- data.frame(
subgroup = c("men", "women",
"35_49", "50_64", "65_79"),
group = c("Sex", "Sex",
"Age (years)", "Age (years)", "Age (years)"),
label = c("Men", "Women",
"35 - 49", "50 - 64", "65 - 79")
col.key = "subgroup",
row.labels = row_labels)
Use the row.labels.levels
argument to choose columns for
row labels and the hierarchy for grouping. (Otherwise, all character
columns in the row labels data frame will be used.)
col.key = "subgroup",
row.labels = row_labels,
row.labels.levels = c("label"))
The order of rows is set by the row.labels
row_labels <- data.frame(
subgroup = c("women", "men",
"65_79", "50_64", "35_49"),
group = c("Sex", "Sex",
"Age (years)", "Age (years)", "Age (years)"),
label = c("Women", "Men",
"65 - 79", "50 - 64", "35 - 49")
col.key = "subgroup",
row.labels = row_labels)
To exclude a subheading add “@nolabel” to the end.
row_labels <- data.frame(
subgroup = c("men", "women",
"35_49", "50_64", "65_79"),
group = c("Sex @nolabel", "Sex @nolabel",
"Age (years)", "Age (years)", "Age (years)"),
label = c("Men", "Women",
"35 - 49", "50 - 64", "65 - 79")
col.key = "subgroup",
row.labels = row_labels)
Add a heading above the row labels with
row_labels <- data.frame(
subgroup = c("men", "women",
"35_49", "50_64", "65_79"),
group = c("Sex", "Sex",
"Age (years)", "Age (years)", "Age (years)"),
label = c("Men", "Women",
"35 - 49", "50 - 64", "65 - 79")
col.key = "subgroup",
row.labels = row_labels,
row.labels.heading = "Subgroup")
my_resultsA <- my_results
my_resultsB <- data.frame(
subgroup = c("men", "women", "35_49", "50_64", "65_79"),
est = c(0.48, 0.54, 0.06, 0.3, 0.54),
se = c(0.12, 0.11, 0.11, 0.09, 0.15)
forest_plot(list("Observational" = my_resultsA,
"Genetic" = my_resultsB),
col.key = "subgroup",
row.labels = row_labels)
You can use split()
to create a list of data frames from
a single data frame:
my_resultsAB <- data.frame(
analysis = factor(c(rep("Observational", 5), rep("Genetic", 5)),
levels = c("Observational", "Genetic")),
subgroup = c("men", "women", "35_49", "50_64", "65_79",
"men", "women", "35_49", "50_64", "65_79"),
est = c( 0.45, 0.58, 0.09, 0.35, 0.6,
0.48, 0.54, 0.06, 0.3, 0.54),
se = c(0.07, 0.06, 0.06, 0.05, 0.08,
0.12, 0.11, 0.11, 0.09, 0.15)
forest_plot(split(my_resultsAB, ~ analysis),
col.key = "subgroup",
row.labels = row_labels)
Use col.left
and col.right
to add columns
of text either side of each panel. Use col.left.heading
to customise the column headings.
my_results$n <- c(834, 923, 587, 694, 476)
col.key = "subgroup",
row.labels = row_labels,
col.left = "n",
col.left.heading = "No. of events")
and col.right.hjust
to set
the horizontal justification of the columns (0 = left, 0.5 = center, 1 =
Set scalepoints = TRUE
to have point size (area)
proportional to the inverse of the variance (SE2) of the
To have consistent scaling across plots, set
to the
same value (it must be smaller than the smallest SE). This will ensure
the same size scaling is used across the plots.
Narrow confidence interval lines can be hidden by points. Set the
argument to change the appearance of narrow
confidence interval lines. The function will by default try to change
the colour and plotting order of confidence intervals so that they are
not hidden. You can also supply vectors and lists to the
argument to have more control.
Note that the calculations for identifying narrow confidence intervals has has been designed to work for shapes 15/‘square’ (the default) and 22/‘square filled’, and for symmetric confidence intervals. These may not be completely accurate in all scenarios, so check your final output carefully.
forest_plot(split(my_resultsAB, ~ analysis),
col.key = "subgroup",
row.labels = row_labels,
scalepoints = TRUE,
pointsize = 8,
xlim = c(0.5, 3),
xticks = c(0.5, 1, 2, 3),
panel.width = unit(28, "mm"))
forest_plot(split(my_resultsAB, ~ analysis),
col.key = "subgroup",
row.labels = row_labels,
scalepoints = TRUE,
pointsize = 10,
xlim = c(0.5, 8),
shape = "square filled",
stroke = 0.5,
fill = list("black", "white"),
panel.width = unit(28, "mm"))
uses ggplot facets to place forest plots
side-by-side. Facets cannot easily have different scales applied, but
you can use forest_plot()
for each panel then arrange them
If xlim
, xticks
and panels
lists of the same length, then forest_plot()
will do this
automatically. The function will return a list containing “figure” (a
graphic object of the whole figure) and “plots” (a list of ggplots, one
for each panel).
forest <- forest_plot(split(my_resultsAB, ~ analysis),
col.key = "subgroup",
row.labels = row_labels,
xlim = list(c(0.5, 3 + 1e-10),
c(0.1, 4)),
xticks = list(c(0.5, 1, 2, 3),
c(0.1, 1, 2, 4)),
xlab = c("Hazard Ratio (95% CI)", "Odds Ratio (95% CI)"),
col.right.heading = list("HR (95% CI)", "OR (95% CI)"))
Use grid::grid.draw()
to draw the figure (use
to clear), and ggsave()
or save_figure()
to save to a file.
Warnings: If scalepoints = TRUE
(and minse
is not specified the same for each plot) then this scaling will be on a
panel-by-panel basis so box sizes are not comparable between panels.
The addtext
argument can be used to add results of
heterogeneity or trend tests, or some other text, in the text column of
estimates and CIs. It needs to be a list of data frames, the same length
as panels. Data frames should contain a column with the name specified
in col.key, and one or more of:
het_trend_results <- data.frame(
analysis = factor(c("Observational", "Observational", "Observational", "Genetic", "Genetic", "Genetic"),
levels = c("Observational", "Genetic")),
subgroup = c( "men", "35_49", "35_49", "men", "35_49", "35_49"),
het_dof = c( "1", NA, NA, "1", NA, NA),
het_stat = c( "1.99", NA, NA, "0.136", NA, NA),
het_p = c("=0.16", NA, NA, "=0.71", NA, NA),
trend_stat = c( NA, "27.2", NA, NA, "6.98", NA),
trend_p = c( NA, "<0.001", NA, NA, "=0.008", NA),
text = c( NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "Note"),
expr = c(NA, NA, "frac(-b %+-% sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c), 2*a)", NA, NA, NA)
forest_plot(split(my_resultsAB, ~ analysis),
col.key = "subgroup",
row.labels = row_labels,
scalepoints = TRUE,
pointsize = 8,
xlim = c(0.5, 3),
xticks = c(0.5, 1, 2, 3),
panel.width = unit(28, "mm"), = unit(45, "mm"),
addtext = split(het_trend_results, ~ analysis))
Note that values should all be character strings, and P-values should include the necessary “=” or “<”.
The automatic positioning of columns and spacing of panels does not
take into account this additional text, so you may need to use the
and col.right.pos
arguments for a
satisfactory layout.
See Customising plots for more ways to customise forest plots.
The function attempts to set the positions of columns of text and
spacing automatically. Where this does not produce a satisfactory
layout, you can use the arguments col.left.pos
, and
to control
positions and spacing manually.
The plot will fill the vertical space available. Use
to change the top and bottom margins as
When standard errors are supplied to the shape_plot()
and forest_plot()
functions, confidence intervals are
calculated as 95% confidence intervals using the Normal approximation
method (with critical value 1.96).
The stroke
argument sets the stroke aesthetic for
plotted shapes. See
for more details. The stroke size adds to the total size of a shape, so
unless stroke = 0
the scaling of size by inverse variance
will be very slightly inaccurate (but there are probably more important
things to worry about).